Our team went down to Metta Home for the Disabled and Metta Home Day Activity Center on 20th May to interact with the people with intellectual disability. The Metta Home for the Disabled and Metta Home Day Activity Centre were set up in December 2000 to offer community care options to needy individuals aged between 18 and 55 with multiple disabilities.
As the beneficiaries rushed into the hall with smiles on their faces and hands waving, we couldn't help but be grateful to be spending our Saturday with them. We started the day by talking to our beneficiaries and got to know them. We then had a singing session with our beneficiaries where all of us sang our hearts out. We continued the day with some games that the team's programmers have carefully planned out. Some of the games included passing the towels until the music stopped, like a musical chair. For the forfeit, we danced along with our beneficiaries and some of our beneficiaries even showed off their fancy dance moves.
After half a day of fun, we took a break while our beneficiaries enjoyed biscuits and drinks for their tea break. We ended our interaction event with an arts and craft session, showcasing our beneficiaries' talents.
Our pre-trip session at Metta Home was definitely a challenge, especially since it was my first time interacting and volunteering with the intellectually disabled community. After overcoming the initial apprehension that many of us OVE members felt when approaching the Metta Home residents, it was so meaningful that by the second half of the session, many of us had no problems conversing and laughing along with them. I was really happy and felt very fulfilled and proud of everyone for doing so great in the first session.
- Nadhira
OVE visited Metta Home for the Disabled for our first pre-trip and it was an eye opening experience for me. Interacting with the people with intellectual disability was no easy feat, as much patience and care was needed to communicate with them. However, through the activities, which included painting, drawing and coloring, I slowly learnt to understand them better. I also realized how I could use other ways to bring my message across and guide them through the activities. To see the smiles on their faces after the whole event definitely made this experience one that is both fulfilling and meaningful, not just for me, but for all of them as well.
- Gabriel
It was indeed a fulfilling and enjoyable session spending with our beneficiaries and I could say on behalf of my team that our hearts were full just by witnessing our beneficiaries' smiles and happiness. We are already looking forward to many more sessions like this in near future to come.