On the 13th of July, our very final outing before the actual trip to sunny Cambodia took place at Yishun Community Hospital. It was a day filled with big smiles and blissful memories as we spent our afternoon with the elderly seniors there. We hoped that by spending our afternoon with these lovely patients, we could make their day by encouraging them to get a little more active! With a little convincing, we managed to get close to 15 sporting elderly seniors to join us for a fun time.
We kickstarted with an icebreaker game to know them better with the help of a ping-pong ball. When we got hold of the ball, we were required to share interesting facts about ourselves such as our favourite food, hobbies and many more. After we had gotten acquainted with each other in that short time, it was time for some simple aerobics to get them moving - from different variations of claps and punches - which they were great at. Once our joints were all warmed up, we played an exciting game of Bingo! To our surprise, many of them were familiar with the game and got into it almost immediately.
We got the elderly patients involved as well by picking the numbers, and their smiles were proof that it was a resounding success. We ended it off on a literal high note with a karaoke session consisting of popular songs in different languages. We then took song requests and finally ended off with a dynamic performance of the High School Musical hit <<We're All In This Together>> - for the elderly patients. It was truly a day well spent for us and we hope it was the same for them as well. Here are some highlights of what went on during the exciting afternoon: